Benefits of Central Vacuums
- 5x more powerful than traditional vacuums
- Don’t need to carry heavy vacuum around so they are more convenient
- Air is cleaner and healthier – – dirt, dust, and allergens are removed outside of the home
- Ideal for cleaning up pet and human hair
- Main power unit is located away from the main living area, like the garage or basement
- Central vacuum systems can last a lot longer, could be up to 20 years
- Increases value of your home
- Saves time – – have to empty canister less and no filters to change
- Not too difficult to maintain
Housekeeping Made Easy With BEAM Central Vacuums
If you have kids, a large home area, and some heavy furniture, then you would need the vacuum cleaner that will help you get the job done in the easiest and most comfortable manner possible. BEAM Central Vacuums are your best friend during those messy moments and make housekeeping the lightest of tasks. BEAM is the leading central vacuum brand and one that’s worth investing in.
Why Buy Beam Central Vacuums
Guaranteed Cleaning
BEAM power units utilize an exclusive permanent self-cleaning filtration system that allows the units to sustain a high level of performance time after time. It also has a large canister that you only empty out twice in a year. Save yourself from the added task of regularly replacing your filter and cleaning the dirt bucket.
Cleaning Without the Noise
A BEAM Central Vacuum System is quieter than most household noises that you are used to hearing every day. Vacuum whenever you want without disturbing anyone’s activities or sleep. No need to worry about waking up the kids, answering that important phone call, or watching your favourite show because BEAM’s large motor cleans effectively and silently.
Easy and Light Handling
A BEAM Central Vacuum is easy to maneuver around furniture and doorways, task to task, level-to-level, floor to ceiling. You don’t need to worry about tripping over long cords or dragging a canister around.
Choose from these three lines of BEAM Central Vacuum cleaners, all tested, trusted, and designed with you in mind.